Official Statement of MND
28th June 2022

Lieutenant General Said CHANEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of the People's National Army receives in audience the General Director of the Russian company ROSOBORONEXPORT, Mr. Alexandre MIKHAEEV

      The Lieutenant General Saïd CHANEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of the People's National Army, received in audience, this Tuesday 28th June 2022, at the headquarters of the People's National Army, the General Director of the Russian company ROSOBORONEXPORT, Mr. Alexandre MIKHAEEV.


      During the meeting, which was attended by Major Generals and Brigadier Generals of the People's National Army’s General Staff and the Ministry of National Defence, alongside members of the Russian delegation, the two parties held discussions on the state of military cooperation between both countries and considered ways and means of promoting it to the expected level.


      At the end of the meeting, the two parties exchanged symbolic gifts.


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