Official Statement of MND
06th May 2023

General Saïd CHANEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of PNA participates in the 11th meeting of the Chiefs of Staff Committee and the 10th meeting of the Defence Ministers Council North Africa Regional Capacity (NARC) Member countries

      As part of the annual meetings of the North Africa Regional Capability (NARC), the General Saïd CHENEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of People's National Army, took part today Saturday 06th May 2023, at the 11th meeting of the Chiefs of Staff Committee and the 10th meeting of the Defence Ministers Council of Member States of this Regional Capability, held in the Army’s National Circle/1st Military Region, in Beni Messous, Algiers.


      These meetings were attended by General Muhammad Ali El-Haddad, Chief of General Staff of the Government of National Unity of Libya, Major General Mohamed El Wali Akeik, Chief of staff the Sahrawi People's Liberation Army of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Major-General Essam El-Gamal, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Arab Republic of Egypt and Mr. Ahmed Ahmeeda ELTADJOURI, Executive Secretary of the North Africa Regional Capacity.



      On the Algerian side, took part in these meetings the Secretary General of the Ministry of National Defence, the chief of the Employment-Preparation Department of the General Staff of the People's National Army, the Director of External Relations and Cooperation, as well as executives and officers of different Arms and a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Community Abroad.


      Preceded by a meeting of experts from NARC member countries, the agenda of this meeting was devoted to the evaluation of the activities of this Capability during the year 2022 and the examination of the means and mechanisms for the development of its components. This meeting was also an opportunity to exchange views on issues of common interest.

      On this occasion, the General, Chief of Staff of People's National Army delivered an opening speech in which he wished, first of all, to transmit to the hosts of Algeria a message of fraternity and friendship from the President of the Republic. He also underlined that this meeting offered an opportunity to strengthen cooperation and coordination among Member States, with a view to addressing the threats to the security of the region:

      "I take this opportunity to send you a message of fraternity and friendship from Mr. Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE, President of the Republic, Supreme Head of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defence, on the occasion of the work of these meetings which will give, undoubtedly, a strong boost to our regional capacity, in terms of operational readiness and strengthening of the coordination that already exists between our respective countries, to deal with the threats that weigh on the security of our region.

      Indeed, our region, like the other regions of the African continent, faces many challenges in terms of peace and security, such as terrorism, organized crime, armed conflicts and border disputes, which challenges us, more than ever, to work together to face these challenges and work to put an end to violence, extremism and all forms of cross-border crime".

      The Army General underlined that Algeria has always pleaded for the adoption of a new African approach to the fight against terrorism, based on the fight against extremist groups and the prevention of all forms of radicalism:

      "In addition to the efforts made by my country to restore security and stability in the Sahel region, whether within the framework of bilateral cooperation or multilateral mechanisms, Algeria has, time, pleaded for the adoption of a new African approach to the fight against terrorism, based on the fight against extremist groups and the prevention of all forms of fundamentalism.

      Indeed, the fight against terrorism cannot be won in the absence of an inclusive approach, aimed at confronting violent extremism and drying up the sources of its financing through, among other things, the prohibition of payment ransoms, which contribute to closing the ranks of terrorists, arming them and increasing their capacity for harm.

      Before concluding, I would like to recall Algeria's commitment and the PNA’s determination to move forward in the direction of consolidating our regional mechanism and to support all efforts, capable of contributing to establishment of international, continental and regional security and peace".

      Subsequently, the Chiefs of Staff of the member countries of the North Africa Regional Capacity and the Executive Secretary of this regional mechanism successively took the floor to express their thanks to Algeria for having hosted these meetings , which bring a new stone to the building of multilateral relations between the member countries of the NARC, considered as a strategic mechanism of the African Union for the prevention, management and resolution of conflicts as well as for the promotion of peace and regional and continental security.

      Finally, the work was sanctioned by the signing of the final report of the 10th meeting of the Council of Ministers of Defence and the 11th meeting of the Committee of Chiefs of Staff of member countries of the Regional Capability of North Africa North.



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