Official Statement of MND
26th December 2021

Lieutenant General Saïd CHANEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of the PNA, presides over the official installation ceremony of the new Territorial Air Defence Forces’ Commander.

      On behalf of the President of the Republic, Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defence, the Lieutenant General Saïd CHANEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of the People's National Army, chaired this Sunday, December 26th, 2021, over the official installation ceremony of Major-General Abdelaziz HOUAM within his functions of Territorial Air Defence Forces’ Commander, as a replacement to Major-General Amar AMRANI.

      At the beginning of the ceremony and after the welcoming speech, the Lieutenant-General observed a minute of silence in memory of the valiant Chahid "Akid Lotfi", whose name is proudly borne by the Territorial Air Defence Forces’ headquarters and laid a wreath in front of his commemorative stele, before reciting Al-Fatiha in his memory and that of our valiant Chouhadas.


      The Lieutenant General then inspected the squares of the executives and personnel of the Territorial Air Defence Forces in training at the parade ground, before announcing the official installation of their new Commander, Major General Abdelaziz HOUAM, replacing Major-General Amar AMRANI:


      "On behalf of the President of the Republic, Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defence, and in accordance with the presidential decree of December 20th, 2021, I officially install Major-General Abdelaziz HOUAM within the functions of Commander of the Territorial Air Defence Forces, replacing Major General Amar AMRANI.

      To this end, I order you to exercise under his authority and carry out his orders and instructions in the interest of the service, in accordance with the military regulations and the laws of the Republic in force, and out of fidelity to the sacrifices of our valiant Chouhadas and the values of our Glorious Revolution, may Allah bring you success and accomplishments”.

      At the end of the ceremony of handing over the national emblem and approval of the report of the handover of power, the Lieutenant General held a meeting with the executives and staff of the Territorial Air Defence Forces Command, where he delivered an orientation speech, broadcasted via videoconferencing, to all the formations and units of the Command, at the beginning of which he congratulated the new Commander who dedicated his life to the service of the People's National Army and of his country Algeria who witnessed, recently, a real dynamic on all levels and all fields :


      "As you know, under the Command of the President of the Republic, Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defence, and thanks to the efforts of loyal men, Algeria has recently experienced a real dynamic on all levels and all fields, at the diplomatic, political and economic arenas, and even in sports.

      The crowning of our national football team with the Arab Cup, a few days ago, was the occasion to express the fervent nationalist spirit that animates the hearts of millions of Algerians, who went out to celebrate this very much deserved victory, everywhere in our country. It was also an opportunity through which the fearless Algerian people proved their authenticity, their unwavering attachment to the symbols of the Fatherland, and their loyalty to the message of millions of heroic Chouhadas. A strong and clear response to the enemies of the past and present, as well as to all those who venture to question the unity of the people or the love they have for their Nation.

      On this occasion, I reiterate in my own name, and that of all the personnel of the People's National Army, the expression of our gratitude and appreciation, to the members of the national football team and its technical staff, for the nationalist spirit they demonstrated during this competition, and for having confirmed once again, that nothing can slow down or demean the will of the Algerian people, wishing them even more success and accomplishments in the future at a continental and international level.

      This historic sporting achievement represents a precious gift that our fennecs have managed to offer to their Nation and to their people, at the end of a year full of events and achievements. "

      The lieutenant General underlined the fact that this dynamic has greatly contributed to the Algerian citizen regaining confidence in the institutions of the State, and urged him to subscribe, with enthusiasm, to its promising projects:


      "These achievements and this dynamic have greatly contributed to the Algerian citizen's regaining confidence in his state institutions, and prompted him to subscribe, with enthusiasm, to its promising projects. A citizen who is more aware of current international and regional issues and who discerns more clearly the plots of spotters, and all those who are openly and in secrecy brewing against his beloved country"

      Finally, the Lieutenant-General urged the personnel to carry on their work for continuous preparation, efficient training, and mastery of the modern equipment and weapons made available:

      "Thus, the Territorial Air Defence Forces are assigned sensitive missions of a strategic nature that require permanent labour in terms of continuous preparation and efficient training, especially since the mission of the Territorial Air Defence Forces is closely linked to the degree of mastery of modern equipment and weapons put at their disposal. In this regard, I have full confidence in your conscience, your motivation and your mobilization to carry out the missions assigned to you. ". .

      By the end of the event, the Lieutenant-General listened to every intervention of the executives and the personnel of the Territorial Air Defence Forces and inquired about their various concerns.

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