30th March 2021

Geographic and Remote Sensing Service.. Organization of an information day entitled: “Acquisition of geospatial information: techniques and new technologies”

      Within the framework of communication plan of People's National Army, the Geographic and Remote Sensing Service of People's National Army organized today, Tuesday 30th March 2021, an information day entitled: “Acquisition of geospatial information: techniques and new technologies”, at the level of the Commercial Agency of the National Institute of Cartography and Remote Sensing, at the Palais des Expositions, Pins Maritimes in Algiers.


      The event’s opening ceremony, was chaired by the Major General Omar Farouk ZARHOUNI, Chief of the Geographic and Remote Sensing Service of People's National Army, the event represents an opportunity for national operators and users of geographic information and geospatial to better understand the production structures under this Service, like the National Institute of Cartography and Remote Sensing (INCT) and the National Centre for the Exploitation of Remote Sensing Satellites (CNEST), and inquire about their missions and the technological progress made in the production of geographic data as well as other applications relating to satellite positioning.



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