High School of the Aeronautics Technicians Chahid Rahali Moussa / Dar El-Beida / 1stMR

History of the school

  • Before 1962: The site sheltered the air base of White House of the N.A.T.O.
  • From 1962 to 1964:Air base of the Grouping of Ministerial Aviation Link (G.L.A.M).
  • From 1964 to 1968:Barrack of the National Security Force (C.N.S.).
  • From 1968 to 1975: Barrack of the Algerian Police of the Borders (P.A.F).
  • From 1975 to 1982:National School of Public Labors (E.N.T.P).
  • From 1982 to 1990: Life base of the Central Establishment of Renovation of the Aeronautic Materials (E.C.R.M.A) and of the Meteorological Service.
  • In 1990: Creation of the High School of the Aeronautics Technicians (Decision N°66/90/PR of the 03/11/1990).
  • In 1991: Official opening of the High School of the Aeronautics Technicians.
  • In 2009: is converted into a High School of the Aeronautics Technicians


   The High School of the Aeronautics Technicians is a multidisciplinary high training establishment , depending on the Air Force Command.

The school offers a scientific and technical training in the field of aeronautics as well as fundamental military training to the officers. The different existing specialties of the school continually in concordance with the scientific and technical progress constitute a mean that offers to the various students choices, allowing them thus to contribute to guarantee the operational aerial strength availability and this by:

  • The optimal exploitation of the vectors in exploitation in the aerial units
  • The maintenance of existing means in the units and establishments of the Air Force.

The life in the School

   Situated in the city of Dar El Beida in the East of the capital Algiers, The High School of the Aeronautics Technicians has a setting of pleasant life and different educational, cultural and sport structures allowing the pupils to exercise their various activities:

  • Movies room;
  • Sport room;
  • Room of music;
  • Swimming pool;
  • Drawings room;
  • Library;
  • Aeromodelisme club;
  • Laboratories and specialized classrooms.

Training in the school:

The High School of Aeronautical Technics ensures the following trainings:

Academic licence in "Aerial operation and navigation " :

Duration of the Training : five (05) years

  • One (01) year of common basic military training in the Military Academy of Cherchall the deceased president Houari Boumediene »/1st MR
  • Tree(03) years of university training of academic licenc in " Aerial operation and navigation " in High School of the Aeronautics Technicians Chahid Rahali Moussa /Dar El-Beida /1stMR
  • One(01) year of specialization (Application).

The specialties afforded are :

  • Structure;
  • Propulsion;
  • Avionic;
  • Instalation.

Specialities according to the licence speciality in :

  • Aircraft structure;
  • Aircraft propulsion;
  • Bord systems and equipements ;
  • Weapon systems;
  • Bord Radar Radio;
  • Transmissions ;
  • Radio aid to Navigation.