National Gendarmerie

Actualities | 01st june 2024 :

Taking the legal oath by officers and students active officers

     On June 1st , 2024, at the headquarters of the Court of Algiers, and in the presence of senior executives of the National Gendarmerie Command and justice, officers of the National Gendarmerie and officers of the various arms of the People's National Army who have undergone training at the National Gendarmerie Judicial Police School, took the oath, after having received basic and professional training at the various training structures of the People's National Army, for the academic year 2023/2024.


     Those officers and officer students who were sworn in at full public hearing, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force, will be able to start their future duties after graduation, as they have fulfilled the required legal procedures, and therefore received the status of a judicial police officers.


     It should be noted that the legal oath represents an official recognition that these officers are accredited to implement their missions and prerogatives as judicial police officers. It also represents an official contract by which the "soldier of the law" undertakes to serve the Fatherland, justice and the citizen, within the strict compliance with the laws and regulations of the Republic. Thus, the legal oath is a contract of loyalty, a commitment of honor and the basis of ethics.



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