National Gendarmerie
Judicial Police
Activity report of the National Gendarmerie units for the year 2023
     The activity of the National Gendarmerie units in the field of combating crime in all its forms was characterized by an increase in the number of cases during the year 2022, the crime increased in the number of treated cases (787143), where the fight against criminal networks constituted a main line of effort, which allowed the dismantling of 1678 criminal associations, 91 neighborhood gangs and the handling of important cases regarding the fight against corruption, the illegal abroad transfer of capital and the squandering of public funds.
     Also, the fight against drug trafficking has led to the seizure of 29.611 tonnes of Kif treated and 10,409,760 tablets of psychotropic drugs and 58.622 kg of cacaine, by dragnets, leading to the neutralization of 213 drug trafficking networks.

     On the other hand, the units specializing in the protection of minors managed to reintegrate 595 minors into their family circles, which represents an additional indicator of the performance of these units.
     Furthermore, the preservation of the environment and tranquility were at the center of the units' activities. To this end, 612,299 cases relating to attacks on special laws were proceeded, including 4611 offenses dealt with by the environmental protection cells and 192 cases noted by the cells dealing with attacks on cultural property, having enabled the recovery of 1855 archaeological artefacts belonging to different historical periods, where 54 new archeological sites have been discovered.
    In essence, this activity report, which represents the concretization of the action plan of the National Gendarmerie Command, is qualified as positive. The results were achieved thanks to the improvement of security coverage following the creation of new units and the strengthening of security, especially along the borders, as well as the sacrifices and efforts made by all the personnel of the National Gendarmerie to overcome the challenges and to live up to the confidence that our nation and our citizens grant them.