National Gendarmerie

Opening of the combat preparation year for units 2024-2025.

In accordance with the directives of the General, chief of staff of the People’s National Army, regarding the preparation of the People’s National Army forces...

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The Commander of the National Gendarmerie presides the graduation ceremony for promotions of the National Gendarmerie officers at the National Gendarmerie Higher School

Mr. Major General Yahya Ali Ouelhadj, Commander of the National Gendarmerie, presided, on June 25th , 2024, the gradua tion ceremony for six (06) promotions of officers of the National Gendarmerie who successfully completed quality training in line with developments in the military and academic field at the National Gendarmerie Higher School of Zeralda, the martyr "Mouaz M'hammed"...

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Graduation of the first class of non-commissioned officers from the Non-Commissioned Officers School of the National Gendarmerie in Miliana

On June 6, 2024, the Brigadier General, Director of Telecommunications of the National Gendarmerie, supervised the graduation ceremony of the first class of non-commissioned officers...

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A graduation ceremony for the National Gendarmerie non-Commissioned Officers School of Sidi Bel Abbas For the 2023-2024 season

The Brigadier General, Chief of staff of the National Gendarmerie, supervised today, June 5th, 2024, the graduation ceremony of the sixty-fourth batch (64) of student Judicial Police agents...

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Taking the legal oath by officers and students active officers

On June 1st , 2024, at the headquarters of the Court of Algiers, and in the presence of senior executives of the National Gendarmerie Command and justice, officers of the National Gendarmerie and officers of the various arms of the People's National Army who have undergone training at the National Gendarmerie Judicial Police School...

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Taking the legal oath by judicial police agents

On June 1st , 2024, the sixty-fourth class of judicial police agents of the National Gendarmerie took the oath at Sidi Bel Abbas Magistrates' Council, after completing two years of military and professional training at the National Gendarmerie Non-Commissioned Officers school of Sidi Bel Abbas...

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A graduation ceremony for the National Gendarmerie non-Commissioned Officers school of M’daourouch "the Martyr Fareh Boudjemaa

Brigadier General, Inspector-General of the National Gendarmerie, presided over on this date of Mai 29th, 5024 at the non-Commissioned Officers school of M’daourouch "the Martyr Fareh Boudjemaa", the sixth (6) graduation ceremony for the contractual non-commissioned officers...

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Taking the legal oath by judicial police agents

On Saturday, May 25th, 2024, in the presence of senior officials from the National Gendarmerie and the justice system, the sixty-fourth class of judicial police agents took their oath at the Setif Court of Justice after completing two years ...

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National Gendarmerie Command presents its annual activity report to the media

The National Gendarmerie Command organized, on April 15th , 2024, a press briefing for the benefit of the public and private press, audiovisual and the electronic and written press...

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The delegation of the National Defense Commission of the National people's Assembly on a visit to the Command of the National Gendarmerie

The delegation of the National Defense Commission of the National people's Assembly conducted an information visit on Thursday, April 04th, 2024, to the headquarters of the National Gendarmerie Command, where it was received by the Major General, Commander of the National Gendarmerie accompanied by National Gendarmerie officers...

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General Saïd CHANEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of the People's National Army, on a working and inspection visit to the National Gendarmerie Command

As part of the working and inspection visits to the various components of the people's National Army, during the holy month of Ramadan, General Saïd CHANEGRIHA, Chief of People's National Army Staff, paid a working and inspection visit, on Thursday, March 28th 2024, to the headquarters of the National Gendarmerie Command, where he met with its executives and personnel...

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The National Gendarmerie organizes a forum on the reality of drugs in Algeria-legal framework trends and analysis.

On Wednesday, March 06, 2024, Mr the General, Head of Staff of National Gendarmerie, supervised the opening of the activities of the national forum entitled The reality of drugs in Algeria, the legal framework, trends and analysis...

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Mr. Major General, Commander of the National Gendarmerie, on a working and inspection visit to the units of the Third Regional Command of the National Gendarmerie.

The Major General, Commander of the National Gendarmerie, conducted an inspection visit to the Units of the Third Regional Command, within the territory of the Third Military Region...

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The launch of the inter- schools Military National Championship of indoor football for males and females

On January 15th , 2024, Mr. Colonel Chami Mansour, Commander of the Judicial Police School of the National Gendarmerie in Issers, Barracks baptized for the name of late Moujahid Mohamed Essalah Yahiaoui, First Military Region, supervised the official opening ceremony of the inter- schools Military National Championship of indoor football for males and females, which was hosted by the said School from January 14th to 20th 2024...

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The National Gendarmerie organizes a forum on "civil-military cooperation in case of emergency, preparation and confrontation".

Within the frameworks of High Command efforts of the People's National Army to improve the level of performance and operational readiness in various professional fields and in concretization of theMediterranean Dialogue activities program with NATO...

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The National Gendarmerie Higher School « Martyr Mouazm’hamed » signed a twinning protocol with the Police Higher School « Ali Tounsi. ».

On December 07th, 2023, the Brigadier General, Mohamed Derrani, the commander of the National Gendarmerie Higher School, and the Police General Inspector, Jamel Younsi, the Director of the Police Higher School “Ali Tounsi”...

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The National Gendarmerie honors the media family on their national day.

The National Gendarmerie Command organized a tribute ceremony on December 6th, 2023, for the media family, on the occasion of the National Press Day...

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The National Gendarmerie organizes a study day entitled "Administrative and Financial Investigation into Illicit Enrichment"

On November 29th, 2023, at the level of the Higher School of the National Gendarmerie in Zeralda, the High Authority for Transparency, Prevention and Combating of Corruption, and the National Gendarmerie Command organized a study day entitled "Administrative and Financial Investigation into Illicit Enrichment" ...

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The National Gendarmerie Commander receives the US Assistant Secretary of state for International Narcotics and law enforcement affairs.

On November 20th, 2023, Mister the General Yahia ALI OULHADJ, the National Gendarmerie Commander, received Mr. Todd Robinson,the US Assistant Secretary of state for International Narcotics and law enforcement affairs...

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A delegation from the Turkish Gendarmerie visiting the National Gendarmerie Command.

As part of the implementation of cooperative activities with the Turkish Gendarmerie for the year 2023, a delegation led by the Commander General of the Turkish Gendarmerie Forces visited the headquarters of the National Gendarmerie on November 14, 2023....

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The National Gendarmerie Commander receives Her Excellency the Ambassador of the United States of America in Algeria.

On November 07th, 2023, Mister the General Yahia ALI OULHADJ, the National Gendarmerie Commander, received at the headquarters of the National GendarmerieCommand, Her Excellency the ambassador of the United States of America to Algeria, Mrs. Elizabeth Moore Aubin...

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A joint press conference on the outcome of the 2023 summer season

In the presence of high-ranking officers from the National Gendarmerie Command as well as from National Security and Civil Protection, a joint press conference was held on October 4th, 2023...

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A graduation ceremony for the National Gendarmerie non-Commissioned Officers School of Setif For the 2022-2023 season

Brigadier General, Inspector-General of the National Gendarmerie, presided over on this date of June 26th, 2023 at the non-Commissioned Officers school of Setif, the sixty third (63) graduation ceremony for the contractual non-commissioned officers’ students. The outgoing promotions were named after the hero martyr « Aqil Mohamed »...

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A graduation ceremony for the National Gendarmerie non-Commissioned Officers School of Sidi Bel Abbas For the 2022-2023 season

The Brigadier General, Chief of staff of the National Gendarmerie, supervised today, June 22nd, 2023, the graduation ceremony of the sixty-third batch (63) of Judicial Police Officers, at the National Gendarmerie Non-Commissioned Officers School of Sidi Bel Abbas...

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The class graduation of the National Gendarmerie for the 2022/2023 school year.

Brigadier General YAHIA ALI OUELHADJ, Commander of the National Gendarmerie, presided over on this date of June 20, 2023 the graduation ceremony for the officers of the National Gendarmerie from the National Gendarmerie higher school of Zéralda, the martyr “Mouaz M 'hamed”...

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A legal oath ceremony for officers and contractual trainee officers ” .

A legal oath ceremony was held, on June 03rd 2023, with a presence of senior officials from the National Gendarmerie Command and Justice, at the Court of Algiers, carried out by the National Gendarmerie officers and other officers from the various branches of the People’s National army " ...

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The National Gendarmerie organizes the international Seminar about“Terrorism and organized crime in the cyberspace, issues and challenges” .

Within the framework of the implementation of multilateral military co-operation activities of the Initiative " 5+5 Defense ", for year 2023, approved by the defense Ministers of the Initiative Member States, the Ministry for National Defense, represented by the National Gendarmerie Command, organized an international seminar entitled " terrorism and organized crime in the cyberspace, issues and challenges " ...

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The National Gendarmerie organizes a national forum on «the medical and veterinary care for cynotechnical groups» .

Mister the General, Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie chaired, today, on May 09th 2023, at the National Gendarmerie Command headquarter, the opening ceremony of the national forum on " the medical and veterinary care for cynotechnical groups "...

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The National Gendarmerie Judicial Police of Issers hosted middle school pupils of Bordj m’nail.

The National Gendarmerie Judicial police of Issers " the late moudjahid Med Salah Yahiaoui " organized , on May 02nd 2023, a media visit for 57 pupils from the " Moudjahid Aït Gharbi Hamid " middle school of Bordj m’nail...

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Brigadier General YAHIA ALI OUELHADJ, Commander of the National Gendarmerie, on a working and inspection visit to the units of the National Gendarmerie Territorial Group of Batna.

Brigadier General YAHIA ALI OUELHADJ, Commander of the National Gendarmerie, conducted a working and inspection visit to the units of the National Gendarmerie Territorial Group of Batna on April 16th and 17th, 2023. During this visit...

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General Saïd CHANEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of the People's National Army, on a working and inspection visit to the National Gendarmerie Command

General Saïd CHANEGRIHA, Chief of Staff of the People's National Army made, on Wednesday, 08th April 2023, a working and inspection visit to the National Gendarmerie Command ...

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The National Gendarmerie establishes a particular safety plan at the time of the holy month of Ramadan.

With the occasion of the advent of the holy month of Ramadan of year 1444 of Hegira, and in order to guarantee the citizens’ safety and peace throughout this holy month, the National Gendarmerie Command has traced a total plan to secure the road network, various public spaces, as well as the worship places located in the territory of competence...

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Brigadier General Yahya Ali Ouelhadj, Commander of the National Gendarmerie, on a working and inspection visit to the National Gendarmerie units in the wilaya territory of Algiers.

The Commander of the National Gendarmerie, Brigadier General ALI OUELHADJ YAHIA, carried out, on March 22nd 2023, a working and inspection visit to the National Gendarmerie Units of Territorial Group of Algiers, the 30th National Gendarmerie Intervention Group of Algiers...

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National Gendarmerie Command organizes a study day on the contribution of geospatial techniques to road traffic safety

On the day of March 15, 2023, Mr General, Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie, chaired the opening of the study day entitled "The contribution of geospatial techniques to road traffic safety", organized at the National Gendarmerie Command headquarters in Chéraga and in which representatives of various organizations active in the field of road safety participated ...

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National Gendarmerie Command presents its annual activity report to the media

The National Gendarmerie Command organized, on March 14th 2023, a press briefing for the benefit of the public and private press, audiovisual and the electronic and written press....

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Italian Carabinieri Commander on an Official visit to the National Gendarmerie Command.

Within the framework of the Algerian-Italian military cooperation, the Italian Carabinieri Lieutenant General Teo LUZI made, on February 20th 2023, a two days official visit to the National Gendarmerie Command headquarters, accompanied by Brigadier General Giuseppe De Regi and Lieutenant Colonel Roberto Capriolo...

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Chef of Staff of the National Gendarmerie organizes a national forum on «The Contribution of Forensic Anthropology to Judicial Investigation».

On January 17th , 2023, the Brigadier General, Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie, has supervised the inauguration of the national forum activities entitled “The Contribution of Criminal Anthropology to the Judicial Investigation”, organized at the level of the National Institute for Forensic Evidence and Criminology of the National Gendarmerie in Bouchaoui..

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