National Gendarmerie
Organization and missions
1. Organisation
      The National Gendarmerie is commanded, under the authority of the Minister of National Defense, by a general officer, appointed in his capacity as Commander of the National Gendarmerie, by a presidential decree. To carry out its missions, the National Gendarmerie includes.

  • Command of the National Gendarmerie.
  • Territorial units.
  • Formed units.
  • Specialized units.
  • Support units.
  • Training bodies.
  • National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology.
  • Scientific and technical services and centers.
  • Central Service of Criminal Investigation.
  • Central Service of Cyber Crime.
  • Special Intervention Detachment.

      The National Gendarmerie Command contains:
  • General Staff of the National Gendarmerie.
  • Department of General Administration and Means.
  • Command of Border Guard Units.
  • General inspection.
  • Cabinet.
  • Communication Department.
  • Prevention and control service.

      The General Staff of the National Gendarmerie contains:
  • Directorate of Public Safety and Employment.
  • Human Resources Department.
  • School Directorate.
  • Directorate of Formed Units.
  • Planning and Finance Department.
  • Telematics Directorate.
  • Logistics and Infrastructure Department.
  • Operations Center.

2. Missions
     The Nationale Gendarmerie participate to national defense, especially to fight against terrorism, according to the plans fixed by National Defense Minister. The National Gendarmerie is focuses to accomplish judicial, administrative and military police.

Judicial police :
     The National Gendarmerie fights against criminality and organised crime, raison for what, this institution emploies scientific investigation means and forensics expertise, according to provisions of acts and laws enforcement, notably the code of criminal proceedings.
Administrative police:
     The National Gendarmerie ensures the maintaining of public order and peace by preventive working through general and continuous monitoring. Also It assures the public safety by the protection of individuals and goods and garantees the free circulation on highways. It ensures also the implementation of laws and rules governing the general and special polices.

Military police :
     The National Gendarmerie exercises both the judicial military police in persuance of provisions of military justice code and the general military police according to the rules in governing the service into National Popular Army.