National Gendarmerie

Actualities | 05th june 2024 :

A graduation ceremony for the National Gendarmerie non-Commissioned Officers School of Sidi Bel Abbas For the 2023-2024 season.

     The Brigadier General, Chief of staff of the National Gendarmerie, supervised today, June 5th, 2024, the graduation ceremony of the sixty-fourth batch (64) of student Judicial Police agents, at the National Gendarmerie Non-Commissioned Officers School of Sidi Bel Abbas named after the martyr Lieutenant "Ben M’sabih Mustapha".
    After inspecting the regular squares in the parade ground, the School Commander, gave a speech by the way, in which he touched upon the major axes of training , military and professional knowledge that graduates were armed with during the training stage and which will contribute to achieving the desired professionalism, referring, in the same context, to the various specialties that the school insured during the academic year 2023/2024.


     The graduating batch received a specialized military and professional training for two years, ended with the taking of the legal oath on June 1st, 2024, which qualifies the graduated sergeants to hold the status of Judicial Police Agent, that helps them in exercising their duties in various units of the National Gendarmerie.
     After the graduates took the oath, the ranks were assigned and certificates were handed over to the outstanding ones, then approval was given by the Brigadier General, Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie, to name the batch after the deceased Mudjahid " NEHHARI Abdelkader ", called "Tayeb" born on May 4th , 1924, in Sidi Bel Abbes, son of "Ali" and "BELARBI Sakina", who grew up in a rural family engaged in agriculture.


     During the ceremony, the Brigadier General, Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie, attended to demonstrations of kuk sool won, of Karate-do, techniques for arrest and detention, demonstration of traffic control and demonstration of motorcycle. He also witnessed a military parade by the graduating units, clearly showcasing their level of control, organization and harmony in performance. After that, he visited, accompanied by the military authorities invited to the ceremony, the training workshops, where they were briefed on the curricula and methods adopted in the field of training.
    On the sidelines of the graduation ceremony, Mr. Brigadier General, Chief of Staff of the National Gendarmerie honored the family of the deceased Mudjahid " NEHHARI Abdelkader", stating that naming the graduating batches after the mudjahid of the glorious liberation revolution is only a token of loyalty to the immortal November generation and a tribute to the martyrs and Mudjahidine of the glorious liberation revolution, who played a pivotal role in the glorious liberation revolution. Finally, he concluded by signing the school’s Golden register.



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