National Gendarmerie

Actualities | 04th April 2024 :

The delegation of the National Defense Commission of the National people's Assembly on a visit to the Command of the National Gendarmerie.

    The delegation of the National Defense Commission of the National people's Assembly conducted an information visit on Thursday, April 04th, 2024, to the headquarters of the National Gendarmerie Command, where it was received by the Major General, Commander of the National Gendarmerie accompanied by National Gendarmerie officers. Following discussions between the two parties and the explanations provided regarding the various missions of the National Gendarmerie, the Commission went to the National Institute for Criminalistics and Criminology in Bouchaoui, where the delegation members were briefed on the technical and logistical missions of the Institute as well as the training it provides. The committee members also visited some of the facilities of the Institute.

     The members of the delegation then moved to the Center for cynotechnical reproduction and training of the National Gendarmerie in Bainem, where they were given detailed explanations about the specialties provided by this Center, such as the training of human element, in the field of cynotechnics and the training of canine elements in various specialties such as drug, weapons and explosives detection, tracking, rubble search, security and escort.
     The members of the commission also visited the Higher School of the National Gendarmerie, martyr "Mouaz Mohammed" in Zeralda. After the welcoming ceremony presided over by the Brigadier General, school’s Commander, he presented to the commission the schools missions as well as the various specialties available at the school, after which the delegation visited some of the school's structures, where it was provided with extensive explanations about the training at its various levels.

    The Commission’s information visit program concluded with a visit to the Special Intervention Detachment of the National Gendarmerie in Mahelma, where the delegation was received by the brigadier general, detachment commander. On this occasion, he presented the various special missions carried out by the detachment in the field of combating banditry and major crime.


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